Ezequiel Fernandez

Floyd Rose Original

Ezequiel is a multi-instrumentalist musician who acquired knowledge of different styles for the development of teaching, and the execution of the instrument. He studied pedagogical subjects and methods in the Consudec (Top Council of Catholic Education). He has a degree in music specialized in guitar, bass and piano given by Berklee College of London.
Ezequiel is a guitarist and bassist in the progressive metal band THE TRIPOLARES. The band integrates sounds from bands like Shade Souls, and Eterna Ansiedad.He gets his guitar and bass influences from Domine of Empire The Tripolares on guitar, and Bass on  Bloodparade in Undercover international bands of Renown in Theaters and Festivals like MAximus Festival; among others bands of Progresivo. Ezequiel is a sessionist,and arrange. He is a transpositor of music for different bands, singers, and choirs. He went on a personal tour through London, Barcelona, Paris and Rome as a jazz guitarist. Ezequiel is the Director of the Music School in Defenders of Banfield, and a professor of music in La Nave de Oseberg.